Sunday, August 18, 2013

Getting closer to the big trip!

Well, just a short pre-trip celebration! Colleen and I are getting into the swing of things. Buying clothes (of course), shoes (uh, Duh!) and plenty of excitement brewing! We have our tickets, (check), money, (check)and reservations (check). Our first stop will be Dubrovnik, Croatia, on the beautiful Adriatic Sea. This country used to be Yugoslavia, back when we were all kids. Our accommodations are an apt. at the top of many steps overlooking the walls of this great city. You can check it out here: When the page comes up, click on Apt. 6 Of course when we get there, I will take more photos and you can see it then.

I just know the weather is going to be gorgeous! I am not going to travel all those miles and have it rain on our parade.

Well, see you soon. Don't forget to follow us and comment so I know you are there.

Kerry and Colleen